Reflection on menopause
14 January 2025

Have you ever felt afraid when you hear the word Menopause?
- I am afraid of losing my beauty, of losing my self-esteem as a woman
- I am afraid of aging, of the decline of my physical body. Of suffering.
- I am worried about symptoms such as vaginal dryness, losing my sex life, intimacy with my partner or the possibility of enjoying with new partners.
- I am afraid of loneliness.
- I am overwhelmed by suffering suffocation in front of other people. I feel that it is a pejorative stigma
Do you identify with any of these fears?
You are not alone, many women experience the same. Why?
There is an association between menopause and aging. And aging is a kind of “shame”, which women cannot afford. A social stigma is forged around this shame, a guilty silence, which isolates us.
In a society where most women exposed to media and social media are young and beautiful, it is difficult to accept the passage of time in one's life.
To make matters worse, there is a kind of contempt for women in perimenopause or menopause, something that men in the same age group do not experience, who are more identified with an image of success and social recognition.
But, let's stop and think, does my value as a woman really depend on the function of my ovaries?
Women experience great social pressure at all stages of life.
From adolescence, where they are subjected through social media to a loop of upward comparison, where young women strive to fit into an ideal of constant beauty and happiness, which is always four "likes" away.
Women do not escape in reproductive age, where the age at which we decide to become mothers is a constant subject of debate, the silent suffering of women who have to resort to assisted reproduction techniques. And the maximum pressure, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. From the media to social networks, we receive inputs from everywhere that explain to us that we are doing everything wrong, and how we should proceed. All the time all our defects are pointed out, cornering us in the box of eternal imperfection.
At this point, it should not surprise us that during Menopause, we do not free ourselves either. Menopausal women disappear from the media, advertising and the list of the most influential on social networks, we literally become invisible.
Hence we do not have any healthy role models in which to reflect ourselves. There are almost no movies or great stories where the heroine is a 50-year-old woman, LOOKING OVER 50. No, we must remain young and beautiful, sexually attractive, without wrinkles, without flaws.
Have we learned nothing?
Of course we do, during menopause we are stronger, wiser than the teenagers we once were. We are used to dealing with pressure and contempt.
But that does not mean that we cannot receive help for these symptoms that bother us, or that we need to create spaces for discussion, where we can expose our concerns. We must break the silence, and take those fears that paralyze us for a walk.
The self-destructive discourse must end. Menopause is not a disease or a period of decline, menopause is another stage of life, not death. We must turn menopause into sexy.
We need to talk more about this stage of life, which is true, comes with some unwanted effects, but not for all women.
Many women will experience moderate symptoms, others mild and others very severe; the intensity and duration of symptoms is very variable, as is the range of therapeutic options available, which is why, more than ever, it is necessary to personalize.
Each of us is unique, and we need advice aimed at our particular case. The best option for each one. That is why the visit with your gynecologist/ogynecologist is very important, to be able to discuss the revolution that the body is experiencing, and to accompany us in this wonderful stage, with a dose of humor and with enthusiasm for the future. We must take care of ourselves in all stages of life, in this one more.
And what worries you about menopause?
Request an appointment to visit and discuss your case in person