Reproductive medicine

Assisted reproduction treatments to support you on your journey to motherhood

If you are looking to get pregnant, we offer you the possibility of a reproductive medicine consultation. We perform treatments such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and oocyte cryopreservation to help you achieve your dream of becoming a mother.

Our practice focuses on offering you comprehensive and personalized care, to cover all your reproductive health needs throughout your life. Trust us to take care of you at every stage.

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is a part of assisted reproduction therapies. It consists of using a sperm sample, from your partner or a donor if necessary, which is introduced into the uterus on the precise day and time. This requires monitoring of the cycle through ultrasounds and analyses.

In vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization is a treatment that consists of performing ovarian stimulation, with the aim of obtaining oocytes. To do this, it is necessary to administer medication from the beginning of the cycle, as well as perform hormonal analyses and serial ultrasounds. When the day arrives, the ovarian puncture is scheduled, which is carried out in the Reproduction Unit of Centro Médico Teknon, with the collaboration of the anesthesia service and the laboratory of the unit.

Once the oocytes have been obtained, they are inseminated with the sperm sample to obtain embryos. In the laboratory we have various techniques to facilitate insemination such as sperm selection or ICSI. Normally the embryos are transferred to the uterus on the fifth day.

There are multiple variants in both stimulation and laboratory techniques that can be applied, but it must always be a personalized treatment, since each couple is different and has unique needs. Our goal is to give you the best advice, adapting all the available techniques, seeking to improve the results.

Cryopreservation of oocytes

With life expectancy gradually increasing, more and more women are postponing motherhood. There are many reasons for this decision. The problem is that ovarian ageing negatively impacts the possibility of becoming a mother.

For this reason, more and more women are interested in the option of vitrifying oocytes at a young age, thinking of preserving their fertility.

We are at your disposal to discuss your options and perform oocyte cryopreservation, if that is your decision


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